
The Orbits system focuses our training along various sensory channels. It maps how to connect with the world. It frees us from reliance on social structures and automatic responses.

It is a course in ACTUALITY. It respects the science of ‘What is’.

Practitioners train by focusing their practice through various ‘lenses’ or perspectives. Each orbit contains two lenses.

Upon completion of the core embodied experience or each orbit, the practitioner creates something to convey their state and then undertakes a quest to integrate their expanded senses.

This is the ‘Journey of Lenses’. Exploring each Orbit through:


Download the summary chart here.

The Chaos Key is a tool used in Open World Orbits training. Feel free to contemplate it on your own and use it as a catalyst in your own experiments, or study it in more detail as we explore it in the Orbits.


The ultimate vision being to become as sentient as possible; to open our senses, deepen our feelings, raise our awareness and exist in the state of ‘Open World’ – in which Life feels accessible and we are able and willing to meet each new moment, as we expand into the unknown in all directions.

Orbit of Becoming

We start with The Orbit of Becoming, which is a more meditative state. We return to Nothingness, or ‘The Void’. We strip away our attachment to identity as we become No One, (AKA a None). This is all part of the mythology of Open World. A paradox in itself: to assign archetypal names to a system which seeks to dissolve all reliance on Story.

This Orbit includes breathwork, meditation, PlayChi, detoxification, sensory training, superhero play, endurance art, visioning, authentic communication techniques, improvisation and inner pilgrimages.

Orbit of Beholding


We ground the more esoteric work of the first orbit by dropping into our bodies and connecting with our surroundings in The Orbit of Beholding.

This is where we engage in elemental immersion, playfighting, releasing shame about the body, activating primal embodiment and rewilded fitness.

We also explore space and how to craft an inspiring and nurturing environment. We design labyrinths as a means of guiding ourselves through a ritual of arriving, to land in a sense of place.

Orbit of Bemusing


The Orbit of Bemusing plays with the sense of beauty and illusion. What is the ‘state’ of art? How do the aesthetics enter our senses? What do colours, sounds, tastes, textures, scents and emotions FEEL like, without the assignment of significance by the mind?

Then what stories do we weave as we assume roles in the culture that forms around the experience of that art?

In this orbit we do ALL THE ARTS: Poetry, illustration, painting, dance, singing, sculpture, puppetry, script writing, animation… with a focus on mask work, costume design and toy making.

Orbit of Belonging


We finally graduate into a social sense as we find how to belong and create experiences which welcome others to do the same.

As the Pilgrim / Journeyman we initiate ourselves through the ‘Road of Trials’, earning our stripes to evolve the theory into the wisdom of lived experience. As a Celebrant we can serve others by holding sacred space. As a Game Master we can take on the role of leadership as we design new systems to exist within.

Beyond these lenses the open road comes into view. A self-guided quest as the Freeman steps out into the rest of Life.


Risk. Reality. Romance.