
I play for a living

“My name is Atlas Talisman and I play for a living”. Open World Theatre is a creative arts practice with a martial arts philosophy. As ‘Art Marshals’ we train across EMBODIMENT, CREATIVITY & QUESTING, aspiring to cultivate an ability, (or at least willingness), to ‘be anyone’ and ‘experience anything’. In essence the sole goal is […]

Philosophy Workshops & Events

Earning our Human Rights

IS THERE ANY SENSE IN FIGHTING FOR OUR HUMAN RIGHTS IF WE AREN’T DISCIPLINED ENOUGH TO LIVE FREELY? What are we going to do once we can gather in groups? Are we going to truly build community? What are we going to do once the travel restrictions lift? Are we going to respond to the […]


The Social Dilemma

When we plug into social media we connect our nervous system to an external power source. Aspects of basic survival are surrendered to our friends and followers as we ask them “do you notice me?”, “do you agree with me?”, “will you work with me?”, “will you f&@k me?”. This directly impacts the flow of […]


We’re already in the mud

When we get down into the mud, we realise that we were not safe in our heads. It can feel like we are in an ivory tower, insulated from the dirt of the world. It can also feel scary, like we may fall to the ground if we step out beyond our brow. But when […]

Philosophy Workshops & Events

How To Destroy Your Life

Getting lost and going on an adventure are the same thing, just depends on how you choose to show up to the experience.We seem to be losing our way… together. Some are relocating to a safe place, others are protesting in the streets, some relationships are ending, some people are taking up new jobs that […]


Gene Key 28

My partner, Naela, works with Richard Rudd’s ‘Gene Keys’, as a system of self-inquiry and guidance, based on the I-Ching and genetics. We were looking at my chart and reading through the various characteristics which are split in three: the shadow, the gift and the siddhi, or the imbalance, the healthy version and the state […]


How I learned to SHUT UP & LET LOVE SPEAK

HOW I LEARNED TO SHUT UP AND LET LOVE SPEAK. I considered myself ‘good at communicating’. I do feel that I have a handle on logic, that I know what makes sense. I prize my intelligence as a key characteristic of my identity. …SO HOW CAN I TRUST FEELING OVER THINKING!?! This is something that […]

Philosophy Writing

No less than EVERYTHING

BUSHFIRES, VIRUSES, KILLER COPS, ALIEN INVASIONS… this society doesn’t play fair. We have constructed a system based on the bottom line of war. Yet we are creatures of Love, of Art, of Sex, of God. We are born gasping for air, crying, giggling, farting and ultimately just wanting to be cuddled while we suckle.We apply […]


Heuristic Play

I WELCOME YOU INTO HEURISTIC PLAY. Let me introduce what I do: I am the ring master of a circus of the arts, I welcome people into a process of learning through doing. We explore through the senses, we land ideas as lived experience, we alchemise intelligence into wisdom as you come to know for […]

Philosophy Writing

Create Wonder

Create Wonder. We often remark how the magic fades. How things used to be so exciting. How things just aren’t the same. Is this because we get older? More familiar? Because the enchantment actually evaporates? Well there is plenty of philosophy and opinion that those questions can stir, but something a little more practical and […]